20+ years Experience means we can give you some great advice on Japanese Imports.
The strength of the Japanese Yen against the Pound Sterling has restricted the volume of Imports currently arriving on these shores. There are however a select number of specialist vehicles that still have an Enthusiastic following: People carriers, Hybrid vehicles and of course pristine and collectible Sports cars. Whether you are looking to buy or already have a Japanese import, we are sure you will find some useful info here.
Start with this history of Japanese Imports.
How about a guide to all the Japanese major Auction houses and a guide to whats on when and how many cars will be on sale:
Ever wondered how to read a Japanese Auction Check Sheet ?
Japanese Auction Sheets explained
And finally here’s a Japanese Imports FAQ section which should cover all your other Questions:
If you still haven’t found what you are looking for, or if you are an importer that wants to be put in touch with Our trusted partner in Japan then get in touch via the contact form or email direct to md@motordealing.com
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